で、苦笑いしちゃったのはこれ。 id:TAKESAKO

We are please to announce the release of cpuset v0.9.1 available here:
Source: http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Cpuset
Packages: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/tsariounov:/cpuset/
Cpuset is a GPL v2 Python application to make using the cpusets
facilities in the Linux kernel easier. It allows manipulation of cpusets
on the system and provides higher level functions such as implementation
and control of a basic CPU shielding setup. The actual command is
called cset.
If you're tired of manipulating cpusets by hand, or writing and
rewriting cpuset startup scripts to help manage shielding, then this
tool could be for you.
The source link above contains access to a subversion repository,
bugzilla instance and mailing lists for cpuset.
For an more in-depth writeup on cpuset, see the RT wiki at:
Alex Tsariounov
Using cpuset to implement shielding
To create a shield, for example on a 4-way machine, shielding cpus 1,2,3 and leaving cpu 0 for system tasks (unshielded):
# cset shield --cpu 1-3
To move kernel threads from the root cpuset (all processors) to the system processors (unshielded cpus):
# cset shield --kthread on
To run a program in the shield, ie. on the shielded processors:
# cset shield --exec /opt/path/bin/my_code
To move a set of already running processes and threads (tasks) into the shield:
# cset shield --shield 2242,2244,3000-3100