Could we get that, as PeterZ has suggested, as a trace_option
column in the 'trace' file? It would be default off for
non-latency tracers, with latency tracing plugins turning it on
by default. Would that work?
PeterZ ってメチャクチャ強そうじゃね?
Could we get that, as PeterZ has suggested, as a trace_option
column in the 'trace' file? It would be default off for
non-latency tracers, with latency tracing plugins turning it on
by default. Would that work?
> OK, so without text_poke, how does it deal with kernel with text pages
> marked read-only after boot ?
Actually, we cheat. If DYNAMIC_FTRACE is configured in, we do not set the
text sections to read only. But if this needs to be fixed, we can easily
change it so that before we do the convesion, we set all text back to
write and after the conversion we set it back to read. The conversion
itself is done via stop_machine, so we do not need to worry about other
things going on.
-- Steve
96 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2009/02/05(木) 02:39:25.12 ID:4ZSXuCJS0
グリフィスが大帝に圧勝 しかしミッドランドの人は全員悪魔になる
ガッツが悪魔の鎧を完全克服 人の頭脳に悪魔の力をもった悪魔人間に
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