> > Could you please update Documentation/ftrace.txt?
> > I guess many user interesting this patch. :)
> Yeah, it has become a really nice feature this way. As i told it
> to K.Prasad before: we need this tracer because the data tracer
> will likely become the most common usecase of this facility. We
> will get the hw breakpoints facility tested and used.
> And in fact we can go one step further: it would also be nice to
> wire it up with the ftrace histogram code: so that we can get
> usage histograms of kernel symbol read/write activities without
> the overhead of tracing. (The branch tracer already has this.)
> Especially frequently used variables generate a _lot_ of events.
> Ingo
Right, it will even be an occasion to improve and further test
the histogram tracing.
K. Prasad if you need some help on how to use it, don't hesitate to tell.
please don't hesitate to tell. で遠慮せずに聞いてね。という慣用句らしい
id:kazuhookuさんから、「don't hesitate to ask の間違いでなくて? 」とツッコミをいただいた。