開発者のコラボレーションについてLinux Kernelを題材にしたケーススタディを作りたいらしい。へー。


We are software engineering researchers at North Carolina State University, studying developer collaboration in open source projects. We are currently doing a case study of the Linux kernel, and we are inviting you to take a short, 10-minute online survey about working in open source.

The survey is customized to you and your team, personally. Do not be alarmed - we obtained your email and other information from public sources, primarily from git.kernel.org. We are also sending this email to over 200 other developers working on the Linux kernel.

Each person who completes this survey is entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. Additionally, by taking this survey, you will also get the satisfaction of helping a PhD student finish his dissertation :)

Below is the link to access this survey. Note that this url is customized to you only, so please do not share this link with anyone else.

Here is the url:

or, if the direct link doesn't work, go to http://agile.csc.ncsu.edu/xxxxxxxxxxxxx and use the following information:

User: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

If you can, please complete this survey by August 9th, 2010. At that time, we may contact you one more time to conduct a brief follow-up interview. Feel free to contact me at this email address if you have any questions. Thank you!

Andy Meneely and Laurie Williams
